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Reconstruction of industrial buildings as an alternative to their decommissioning

 The need to reconstruct industrial and manufacturing buildings, as a rule, arises in connection with the introduction of new technologies and equipment at the enterprise, which are put forward different from the previous sanitary, fire and operational requirements. Installation of new technical equipment almost always requires redevelopment of the building, laying new communications, changing the location of cabins, etc. Ideally, the separation of an industrial building into zones should be maintained, so that incompatible processes do not coexist in the same room. Reconstruction may also be necessary when industrial buildings become dilapidated and reach the end of their useful life. In any case, you need to approach this problem with maximum responsibility, otherwise it may lead to heavy administrative penalties, for example - for non-compliance with the newly approved layout of the generally accepted GOSTs and SNiPs.

Why do you need to reconstruct industrial buildings?

No one will simply engage in reconstruction and redevelopment of the enterprise, and there must be a really good reason for this. In particular, such measures are advisable when:

The enterprise introduces new equipment, different in its performance characteristics from the old;

the production facility is being used for other purposes (e.g., a work shop is being converted into a warehouse for spare parts);

the building is in an unsatisfactory technical condition and requires structural reinforcement;

the building's appearance requires architectural and artistic design (for example, an industrial building is located within the city limits and spoils the entire neighborhood with its appearance).

There are other reasons why you may need to reconstruct industrial buildings (replacement of utilities, increasing the number of floors, internal redevelopment to improve working conditions, etc.), but in the vast majority of cases we are talking about the four items presented above.

The nuances of industrial renovation work

Any industrial building consists of unchangeable and changeable engineering parts, the first of which cannot a priori be subject to reconstruction. In particular, we are talking about load-bearing structures: walls, ceilings and frames, changes in the structure which can lead to partial or total collapse of the building. Also the unchangeable part of industrial buildings includes elevator shafts, staircases and roofs.

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In turn, the modified part includes huts, prefabricated sanitary cabins, partitions, foreman's rooms, etc. They are allowed not only to reconstruct, but also to allocate for any needs that do not correspond to their original purpose. The problems here are rather related to the fact that it is sometimes very difficult to gain access to these internal production rooms and structures. Unable to get heavy construction equipment on site, production workers are often forced to seek help from industrial climbers and other specialized professionals who perform all the reconstruction work point by point, using hand tools and apparatuses.

Particular attention should be paid to the compliance of reconstruction work (or, more precisely, its results) with environmental standards. Thus, changes in the structure of the production building should not affect:

Reconstruction of industrial buildings - a process requiring the performers of the maximum return, so trust it to dilettantes and construction companies with dubious reputation is clearly not worth it - the value of penalties for their miscalculations will greatly exceed the funds that you will save on them. It should be remembered that the reconstruction must be preceded by a series of agreements with the urban planning and industrial services, and only then - the technical and economic feasibility of future works.

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